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news/2025/2/25 20:17:31

RGB Compressed DXT1


32KB (4 bits per pixel)

Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android (Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL

Note: With linear rendering on web browser that doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.

RGB Crunched DXT1


Variable, depending on the complexity of the content in the texture.

Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android (Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL

Note: With linear rendering on a web browser that doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.

RGBA Compressed DXT5


64KB (8 bits per pixel)

Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android (Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL

Note: With linear rendering on a web browser that doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.

RGBA Crunched DXT5


Variable, depending on the complexity of the content in the texture.

Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android (Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL

Note: With linear rendering on a web browser that doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.

RGB Compressed BC6H


64KB (8 bits per pixel)

Windows Direct3D 11: OpenGL 4, Linux.

Note: BC6H Textures are uncompressed at run time to RGBA half on the following platform configurations:

- macOS with OpenGL

- Platforms with Direct3D 10 Shader Model 4 or OpenGL 3 GPUs.

RGB(A) Compressed BC7


64KB (8 bits per pixel)

Windows Direct3D 11: OpenGL 4, Linux

Note: BC7 Textures are uncompressed at run time to RGBA 32bits on the following platform configurations:

- macOS with OpenGL

- Platforms with Direct3D 10 Shader Model 4

Platforms with OpenGL 3 GPUs.

RGB Compressed ETC


32KB (4 bits per pixel)

Android, iOS, tvOS.

Note: ETC1 is supported by all OpenGL ES 2.0 GPUs. It does not support alpha.

RGB Crunched ETC


Variable, depending on the complexity of the content in the texture.

Android, iOS, tvOS.

RGB Compressed ETC2


32KB (4 bits per pixel)

Android (OpenGL ES 3.0)

Note: On Android platforms that don’t support ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to the format specified by ETC2 fallback in the Build Settings.

RGBA Compressed ETC2


64KB (8 bits per pixel)

Android (OpenGL ES 3.0), iOS (OpenGL ES 3.0), tvOS (OpenGL ES 3.0)

Note: On iOS and tvOS devices that don’t support ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to RGBA32. On Android platforms that don’t support ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to the format specified by ETC2 fallback in the Build Settings.

RGBA Crunched ETC2


Variable, depending on the complexity of the content in the texture.

Android (OpenGL ES 3.0), iOS (OpenGL ES 3.0), tvOS (OpenGL ES 3.0)

Note: On iOS and tvOS devices that don’t support ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to RGBA32. On Android platforms that don’t support ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to the format specified by ETC2 fallback in the Build Settings.

RGB Compressed ASTC


12x12: 0.89 bits per pixel (7.56KB for a 256x256 Texture)

10x10: 1.28 bits per pixel (10.56KB for a 256x256 Textures)

8x8: 2 bits per pixel (16KB for a 256x256 Texture);

6x6: 3.56 bits per pixel (28.89KB for a 256x256 Texture)

5x5: 5.12 bits per pixel (42.25KB for a 256x256 Texture)

4x4: 8 bits per pixel (64KB for a 256x256 Texture)

tvOS (all), iOS (A8), Android (PowerVR 6XT, Mali T600 series, Adreno 400 series, Tegra K1).

RGBA Compressed ASTC


12x12: 0.89 bits per pixel (7744 bytes for a 256x256 Texture)

10x10: 1.28 bits per pixel (10816 bytes for a 256x256 Textures)

8x8: 2 bits per pixel (16KB for a 256x256 Texture);

6x6: 3.56 bits per pixel (29584 bytes for a 256x256 Texture)

5x5: 5.12 bits per pixel (43264 bytes for a 256x256 Texture)

4x4: 8 bits per pixel (64KB for a 256x256 Texture)

tvOS (all), iOS (A8), Android (PowerVR 6XT, Mali T600 series, Adreno 400 series, Tegra K1).

RGB Compressed PVRTC 2 bits


16KB (2 bits per pixel)

Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.

RGBA Compressed PVRTC 2 bits


16KB (2 bits per pixel)

Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.

RGB Compressed PVRTC 4 bits


32KB (4 bits per pixel)

Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.

RGBA Compressed PVRTC 4 bits


32KB (4 bits per pixel)

Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.

RGB Compressed ATC


32KB (4 bits per pixel)

Android (Qualcomm - Adreno), iOS, tvOS.

RGBA Compressed ATC


64KB (8 bits per pixel)

Android (Qualcomm - Adreno), iOS, tvOS.

RGB 16 bit



128KB (16 bits per pixel)

All platforms.

RGB 24 bit


192KB (24 bits per pixel)

All platforms

Alpha 8


64KB (8 bits per pixel)

All platforms.

RGBA 16 bit


128KB (16 bits per pixel)

All platforms.

RGBA 32 bit


256KB (32 bits per pixel)

All platforms.



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